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​M様 この度はそらまめを迎えていただきありがとうございます

旧そらまめ→ New ヴァイオレット(愛称:ヴィオ)

Edamame: Girl Estimated age: 4 months

Personality: I'm timid, but when I get used to it, I'm very sweet.

I never get tired of playing with a lot of naughty movements!

​ If you lie down and call "Come on", it will stick to your side and sleep.

​ I also like hugs.

July 27 I had a little fever and had no appetite, so I went to the hospital.

Interferon injection treatment.

Finished the 3rd interferon: I had no fever and my appetite returned and I was full of energy. Treatment completed.

You can use the toilet

​ Broadline application, stool test, vaccination twice completed

​ Leukemia / AIDS tested: Negative

Color: It's a delicate place whether it's pheasant white or mackerel white.

​ It also contains brown, but the basics are black gray.

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